Greetings everyone, once more we hope that God keep blessing all of you, and we pray that this program "mission ad gentes" maintain it's actual course. Enjoy this new post. Let's see the fraternity "Francois" in action.
Oh! brother Javier in action...He is always in touch with the the way he is not the secretary.
Of course....the brother in charge of the house is a busy man!!...thank's God for him.
Well, we give thanks for your comments, and those who has not comment yet...DO IT !!! jajaja, we are happy to receive news from you. God bless you all. See you soon.
We, the Francois Fraternity give you all the welcome to this project "Mission ad gentes 2009" in Manila, Philippines. Trough this blogg you will abble to see what is going on in our fraternity, their members and their projects, some videos about the fellowship progress and their activities, and also some images and videos as well about the Tiphon "Ondoy" and the desaster ocassionated troughout the streets of Manila. WE ALL GIVE YOU THANKS AND WELCOME
Francois Fraternity
In this video you can see the comunity in action. the evening lunch action. ENjoy !!